Glenavon Doctors Surgery (09) 828 6438
271B Blockhouse Bay Road, Blockhouse Bay, Auckland
Same day, Virtual Health After-Hours GP Appointment Service.
Glenavon Doctors Surgery is connected to Practice Plus. Practice Plus is available weekdays 5pm-8pm and weekends/public holidays 8am-8pm. Please use this service during Glenavon Doctors Surgery holiday periods. Click HERE for more information.

When you use a Health or Disability service in New Zealand, you have the protection of a Code of Rights. You can access this here.
We do not routinely communicate if your test results are normal.
You can call us if you want confirmation of a normal result or have any questions.
Registering to our Patient Portal Myindici gives you access to check your results.
A Little About Glenavon Doctors Surgery:
Glenavon Doctors Surgery was founded in 1996, by Dr Sharad P Paul. The aim was to provide quality affordable healthcare and surgery, in a friendly and welcoming environment. In 2018, Dr Shobi Gopal took over ownership of Glenavon Doctors Surgery, having worked there since 2006. The practice is well known to the local community and continues to thrive as a traditional, family GP practice with a friendly team, serving patients & families with compassion, care & respect.
NOTE: The Glenavon Doctors Surgery will be closed from 20 December until 15 January (2025).
Make sure to order repeat prescriptions prior to the closure date. During our closure, use either Practice Plus - for virtual after hours service or visit one of the A&M (Acident and Emergency) clinics as listed at the bottom of this page.
Glenavon Doctors Surgery
(09) 828 6438
271B Blockhouse Bay Road,
Blockhouse Bay,

Dr Shobi Gopal
General Practitioner - Fellow, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
Dr Shobi Gopal was brought up in India where she obtained her Medical degree. Married to an Accountant, she moved to Botswana, Southern Africa, where she started her career as a family practitioner focusing on family health, minor surgeries and women’s health.
Since moving to New Zealand, she became a Fellow of the New Zealand College of General Practitioners, and also completed a Post Graduate Certification in Women’s Health. Shobi joined Glenavon Doctors Surgery in 2007, as locum associate with Dr Sharad Paul. Over the years, she has been able to create a wonderful partnership with the patients through compassionate care and established herself, to be able to take over ownership of the practice. Her leisure time is spent with her family. Her other interests include gardening and tramping.

Dr Bhanu Sivakumar, FRNZCGP
General Practitioner - Fellow, Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners
Bhanu completed her undergraduate medical studies and postgraduate study in Anaesthesia in India. She moved to New Zealand in 2009 permanently after having practiced as a Consultant Anesthetist for twenty years in India. Bhanu trained as a GP at Otorohanga Medical Centre, Waikato, a recognized teaching practice, where she worked for ten and a half years. Bhanu has recently joined Glenavon Doctors where she will be working part time. Her special interests as a GP lie in mental health, and practicing an inclusive approach to medicine and teaching. She is currently doing a course in lifestyle medicine with the Australasian Society of Lifestyle Medicine. Bhanu was accepted as an honorary academic-General Practice and Primary Health Care, University of Auckland. Bhanu has volunteered in medical camps in Fiji and Africa. Outside of work she likes tramping, traveling and watching movies.

Dr Sharad P Paul
General Practitioner, Skin and Skin Cancer expert
Having started off as a General Practitioner and Skin Specialist Surgeon, over the years Dr Paul has demonstrated excellence in several roles – an eminent skin cancer surgeon, professor, academic, and author - he is well known and respected both locally and internationally. Besides running his busy Skin Surgery Clinic practice and his university roles, he continues to provide mentorship and backup for Dr Shobi Gopal as a locum to provide continuous care for patients at Glenavon Doctors Surgery.

Angela Oakes
Angela graduated from Unitec with a Bachelor of Nursing in 2015.
Prior to joining Glenavon Doctors as Practice Nurse, she worked in a stroke ward at Waitakere Hospital. She has a long history with the local community, having worked as a Pharmacy Technician at Glenavon Pharmacy prior to embarking on her nursing training. Angela is passionate about providing excellent standard of healthcare and enjoys the diversity of her role as a Practice Nurse. She provides able assistance in the management of patients with long-term health conditions and has a particular interest in Diabetes. Angela was born and raised in Auckland. She is married, a proud mum of two boys and loves New Zealand's great outdoors.

Jane Taylor
Jane was born and brought up in New Zealand and has extensive experience in the past, as Senior receptionist at a large accounting firm. She has since moved to Glenavon Doctors and along with Jennifer, shares reception and front desk responsibilities. Her mature and friendly manner provides a very welcoming start to patient care at the clinic. She enjoys gardening, outdoor adventures and renovation tasks during her free time.

Jennifer D’Mello
Jennifer was educated in India and has years of secretarial experience while in India. Since moving to New Zealand she has worked in Sales Management as well as Receptionist roles in major firms. At Glenavon Doctors Surgery, she shares reception tasks with Jane.
Her calm and soft spoken nature is most suited for a clinical setup. In her leisure she enjoys gardening, baking and voluntary work.
Myindici allows you to book your appointment 24 hours a day 7 days a week, including same day appointments - click to access this service.
MyIndici allows you to order repeat prescriptions - login to access this service.
Use the following details to pay your account online-
Account Name - Glenavon Doctors
Bank - Bank of New Zealand
Account Number - 02 0108 0447170 000
Westcare White Cross - New Lynn
2140 Great North Road, Avondale
Phone: 09 828 8912
7 Days 8am to 10pm
Henderson White Cross, Henderson
131 Lincoln Road, Henderson
Phone: 09 836 3336
Open 24 Hours
Ascot White Cross, Greenlane
Ground Floor, Ascot Hospital
90 Greenlane Road East, Greenlane
Phone: 09 520 9555
Open 24 Hours
For telephone health advice at any time call Healthline on 0800 611 116
In an Emergency Dial 111